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Disaster Preperation


At Sonshine Kids, we are constantly trying to be better prepared for a possible major earthquake. The government of Japan has announced that in the next few years, a major earthquake may hit the Kanto area. Each week, we have children within our care for atleast 25 hours (5 hours a day). We understand it is possible that the next major earthquake will happen within the standard Sonshine Kids time. In the event of a sudden disaster, we want to do our best to protect children’s lives, children’s health, and to be able to quickly communicate with parents. Here are some of the preperations we have been making at Sonshine Kids.

EEW Radio

The EEW radio that is on the 3rd floor at Honeybee is designed to instantly sound the EEW alarm at maximum volume (instant on).
It is always set on 82.5 FM (NHK) and is on standby at all times.
It was announced on March 31, 2015 that the DONET has shortened the response time of the EEW Warning signal by several seconds. In the event of a major earthquake directly below Tokyo, the response time has shortened by as much as 1 seconds. The Donet system is a system consisting of 57 sensors placed under the ocean floor.

Education and Training

Once a month, we plan and conduct disaster training with Sonshine kids.
We practice : Drop-Crawl-Under tables drill (with EEW sound sample and stopwatch),
Putting emergency shoes on (with stopwatch) Followed by explaning what happens in earthquakes.
We aim to have children safely under tables within 6 seconds of hearing the EEW alarm.

Emergency Water

We store emergency water on the 3rd floor of Honeybee.
It is bottled 3 year water and we calculate to sustain the needs of
Sonshine Kids for 3 days. (2 liters and day per person).

Emergency Food

We store emergency food on the 3rd floor of Honeybee and in the
teacher’s park-time backpack. This is also in calculating the
basic food needs for the first 3 days after a disaster.

Emergency Shoes

We are always thankful for the active cooperation of mother for bringing
Emergency shoes. These shoes are kept in a bag on the 3rd floor to be used
in the case of a major disaster. We also wear them once a month to practice
putting them on, as well as confirming the shoes still fit the growing children.

Emergency Toilets

We store many sets of emergency toilets on the 3rd floor of Honeybee.
Toilet systems might fail in major earthquakes, so we keep these waterless
toilet sets ready.
(Calculating 5-10 days of toilet needs.)

Emergency Helmets

We currently keep 4 helmets ready at Honeybee of adult sizes and are currently considering head-protection gear for children

Disaster Areas

The designated evacuation area for Sonshine Kids is the Christian Academy in Japan.
The Christian Academy in Japan is well prepared and stocked for disasters.
The public parks of Higashikurume (where we play daily) has also built
disaster Supply storage sheds. These sheds contain many supllies such as
emergency water, as well and blankets .